Telling Stories

Sarah Cuddon

Redzi and I first discovered Sarah after listening to The wind phone for Heart and Soul which explores the beauty and rituals around grief. Sarah explores big ideas of loss in unusual ways in both The wind phone and another piece, The paddle out, which she also made for the BBC World Service. No matter how unfamiliar the ground appears at first, Sarah offers us the space to connect and exercise our own imagination within her stories. In this episode we talked about inviting magic into our work and the power of cross-fades. You can listen to the episode here.


Sarah’s Top Picks:

Jez Butterworth Jerusalem

Our Top Picks:

Scroll down to Sarah Cuddon on this list and explore her work.


Remember to ask people about the magic.

Don’t underestimate the power of a crossfade.


Please send us your challenges to so that we can feature them on the site! You can hear Jess Lawson’s challenge in this episode.

Sarah challenges you to make a visceral story which wraps you into a big warm hug.


Telling Stories


What’s a Memory?