Telling Stories
Sarah spoke to us about inviting magic into our work and the power of cross-fades.
What’s a Memory?
Experiments in Sound. This piece asks, what’s a memory? How does it work?
Calling For Robins
Zak Rosen makes The Best Advice Show and was wondering whether I had any advice. I told him that this year I’ve been learning the calls of local birds and then going out listening for their calls.
Telling Stories
Courtney is part of the team that bring you Today In Focus at The Guardian. We wanted to get to the bottom of how you can help the listener arrive at the authentic truth of a place…
Rope Making
A Refracted View, a socially engaged arts project, considers ideas of accessibility and our relationship to our environment through walking, talking, sharing, making.
Telling Stories
Sharon spoke with us about beginnings, finding the premise and the first line of your story and asking yourself, what is the universal question or statement at the top of this story?
Telling Stories
Phil Smith spoke to us about the push and pull of creating stories that balance magic and reality, fiction and fantasy, tragedy and comedy.
Telling Stories
In this episode we speak to NK about witnessing stories, exploring shame and the beauty of surprising yourself.