Best New Voice

A few years ago, my brother became involved with County Lines, a drug distribution network in the UK. This intricate system often draws in young, vulnerable individuals, offering them a sense of belonging. But what's particularly complex about their involvement is that many who are initially exploited end up becoming exploiters themselves.

Witnessing my brother navigate this duality was a profoundly challenging chapter for our family. The stress and unpredictability of his world often spilled into ours. And I found myself torn between the urge to support him and the pain of seeing his “choices” unfold.

Recognizing that many might be unaware of County Lines and its impact, I wanted to produce a documentary around the topic. In the documentary, I served as a voice that connected viewers to this world. We gathered insights from various individuals, ranging from those whose homes were taken over for drug operations to the individuals orchestrating these activities.

Another integral layer to the documentary's emotional landscape is the musical score I created using recordings of my own singing and breathing. It was my attempt to convey, beyond words, the fear and pain stemming from the fracturing of my relationship with my brother. There was a depth of emotion that was hard to articulate through language alone, and this auditory element provided an alternative way of communicating.

 A unique aspect of this documentary is my narration. Instead of following a traditional script, I chose to share letters I'd written to my brother, letters filled with memories and questions. These letters guide the viewer through the 30-minute narrative.




Best Factual Producer